Those of you who have just purchased a Rockspace AC2100 extender and are now searching for instructions on how to perform Rockspace AC2100 WiFi extender setup in your house, you have found the appropriate thread. In this article, we detail the steps you need to take to set up your range extender in no time. Walk through the next section for further information.
How to Perform Rockspace AC2100 Extender Setup?
Turn On the Rockspace Extender
The first step is the simplest: just connect your Rockspace AC2100 WiFi extender to an outlet. The next step is to press and hold the power button.
Connect the Extender to the Router
Get an Ethernet wire and hook up your home network to the Rockspace repeater. Check that there isn’t any slack in the connection between them.
Open an Internet Browser
You should fire up your PC and fire up your preferred web browser. Remember that you can only use the Internet with a modern browser.
Access Re.rockspace.local
Get in your browser’s address bar. In that box, type re.rockspace.local and hit the Enter key. The login screen for the Rockspace AC2100 extender will load.
Perform Rockspace Extender Login
You’ll be prompted to enter your Rockspace range extender’s login and password. So, follow the instructions and enter your Rockspace login information.
After launching the Rockspace AC2100 extender wizard, you may configure your device by following the on-screen prompts.
Setting up a Rockspace AC2100 has proven difficult for several users. We’ll talk about a few of them in more detail below.
Rockspace AC2100 Extender Setup Common Issues
- Extender not connecting to router
- AC2100 invalid login attempt
- Having trouble getting to the Rockspace installation wizard
- Error with logging in to Rockspace AC2100
- The Extender keeps disconnecting
- Rock space extender keeps restarting
Other problems with configuring a Rockspace AC2100 extender are also present. For the time being, though, we’d rather devote our efforts to assisting you in fixing them.
[Fixed] Rockspace AC2100 Extender Setup Issues
Check the Power Supply
If the Rockspace AC2100 WiFi extender is not receiving a steady stream of electricity from the wall outlet, it may be why you’re having trouble setting it up. Therefore, try switching where you connect to your WiFi range extender.
Use the Correct URL
If you are still having problems setting up your Rockspace AC2100, it is likely because the URL you entered is incorrect. So, make sure you’re using the right URL. Make sure you’re entering it in the address box and not the search bar.
Enter the Correct Login Credentials
Using an erroneous username and password might also trigger problems with the Rockspace AC2100 extender’s setup process.
So, make sure you only enter the right rockspace extender login information the next time you attempt to access the Rockspace setup process. Also, make sure you’re just entering them into the appropriate fields
Bring the WiFi Devices Closer
Is the Rockspace AC2100 WiFi extender configuration still a mystery to you? As it turns out, the reason for this is that you have moved your extender away from your router.
Therefore, you may want to move your gadgets in closer. Focus on the diminutive “little.” We stress this so that you won’t accidentally cause interference by putting your gadgets too close together. A collision between their WiFi transmissions is avoided.
After you’ve followed these troubleshooting steps, you may try setting up your Rockspace AC2100 wireless range extender again.
The Bottom Line
Our article on installing a Rockspace AC2100 WiFi booster has come to a close. Assuming you followed the aforementioned steps, perhaps you were able to not only set up your device but also fix any problems that prevented you from doing so.
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